Anyone else notice these rendering problems on their Suse 9.1 installations? I am using 32-bit.
I tried the mellesgriot page on my system (SuSE 9.2/i686, Firefox 1.0.1) The page looks terrible and is totally unreadable. Not surprising: % curl -s $URL | tidy -e line 46 column 25 - Warning: <form> isn't allowed in <table> elements line 47 column 33 - Warning: missing </form> before <tr> line 48 column 33 - Warning: inserting implicit <table> line 60 column 33 - Error: discarding unexpected </form> line 47 column 33 - Warning: missing </form> line 62 column 17 - Error: discarding unexpected </td> line 63 column 9 - Error: discarding unexpected </tr> line 65 column 1 - Error: discarding unexpected </div> line 41 column 2 - Warning: <div> isn't allowed in <table> elements line 104 column 1 - Warning: missing <tr> line 104 column 1 - Error: discarding unexpected <table> line 105 column 9 - Warning: missing <td> line 217 column 54 - Warning: missing </font> before </td> line 215 column 9 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements line 272 column 17 - Warning: <div> missing '>' for end of tag line 40 column 2 - Warning: missing </div> line 28 column 1 - Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "leftmargin" line 28 column 1 - Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "topmargin" line 28 column 1 - Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "marginheight" line 28 column 1 - Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "marginwidth" line 207 column 41 - Warning: <td> attribute "valign" has invalid value "center" line 212 column 1 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height" You can blame SuSE, or you can blame Mozilla, but the fact is this page is garbage! Plug the URL into and you will see even more problems. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around