On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, Joe Hylkema wrote:
Seems that AMD processors, specifically the K6/2 series, seem to be very popular amongst the Linux community in general and the SuSE community in particular. Anybody know why this is? Not a complaint, only a question.
Actually, the (now dead) K6-III family is preferred because of the monster cache ;). I ran a K6-2 350 for some number of months and have been running a K6-III 450 at home since October. They are inexpensive, cool-running, and perform very nicely. There is even 3DNow! support in advanced projects like Mesa and some MP3 applications that take advantage of AMD's special additions to the instruction set.
Speaking of AMD,anyone tried the Athlon with Linux? My M$-using friends tell me they scream under WinDoze, even NT. If they can run Mr. Gates's bloated monstrosity of an OS satisfactorily, their performance under Linux would have to be eye-watering. :)
I'm writing this email on an Athlon 550 on an MSI (AMD) motherboard, which worked with a stock kernel. In order to get familiar with the new kernel technologies being implemented, I downloaded kernel 2.3.47 (whatch out! there's a typo in mtrr.c ;) and started playing with AGPGart for my ATi video card and some other tweaks. It rocks for a 550 :). -- -=|JP|=- Jon Pennington | Atipa Linux Solutions -o) jpennington@atipa.com | Kansas City, MO /\\ 816-241-2641 x107 | http://www.atipa.com _\_V -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/