18 Sep
18 Sep
Hi ALL, Since updating OPERA to beta 7.2 my SuSE 8.2 sys won't start it via the KDE icon on the desktop or via the cmd line (see shell dialog)_: moses:~ # cd / moses:/ # cd /usr/bin moses:/usr/bin # opera Segmentation fault moses:/usr/bin # ./opera Segmentation fault moses:/usr/bin # But it starts properly when I click on the shell script "/usr/bin/opera" while in Konqi. What should I put in the 'properties' for the opera icon to get it to start properly? PeterB -- -- Proud to use SuSE Linux, since 5.2 Loving using SuSE Linux 8.2 MyBlog http://vancampen.org/blog/ Nothing is as perfect as a Cultured Diamond There was never any Blood on a Cultured Diamond --