I want to make it unnecessary to press F2 when I boot up SuSE 9.1 in order to get the text screen. There are instructions on what to do on the SuSE website for lilo but not for grub. There was also an extensive discussion of this topic a while ago. Yet no matter what I try I still can't get the text screen, though I can make the progress bar hold still. :=( Apparently the key is to insert a parameter splash=something, either in /boot/grub/menu.lst or via Yast (my preferred approach). But I'm still unclear on which of the following I should be inserting: append splash=0 splash 0 splash silent splash verbose And does it go in the section associated with the particular kernel I'm booting or in the global section? Precise instructions would be much appreciated, particularly since this must be something a lot of people want to do. Paul