BandiPat schrieb:
You can blame that if you like, but I suspect it only played a small part in renewing the issues many of us have had for a while with source files & SUSE, Andreas.
What issues about SUSE and source files are you talking about? And who is "many"? I know many people who are using SUSE source packages to build their own packages, either as a template or in order to investigate things or maybe just to look at the style and things like that, and nobody that I know ever had an issue with it.
If you guys arguing want to ignore it, that's fine.
What is being ignored? The requirement to provide full sources is not ignored. What should be ignored is this pointless stuff we're discussing here.
I would just like there to be things made simpler, more obvious to all users.
What can be more simple and obvious than having links to sources and binaries at the same place? This is what we currently have! Do you propose a larger font, or a different type of font, or a different colour, or something else... Could you make a little mockup or some sort of demonstration?
Linux has to get that way and the programs as well or it will continue to be viewed as a geek hobbyist OS.
??? What does the presentation of the sources have to do with hobbyism? I tend to find the current solution very nice and very professional: The information the vast majority of users is interested in (the ISOs) is presented with icons and the rest (the binary and source repositories, which are in fact a single repository) as text links. It's perfect as-is.