-------------- Original message -------------- From: M Harris <harrismh777@earthlink.net>
-----Original Message-----
From: kbboykin@comcast.net Sent: Sep 13, 2006 2:26 PM
I think we are getting off the topic. I see this is turning into a distro war.
Its on topic... Suse... and its not a distro war... its a heads up to anyone (probably no one) listening at Novell that in the future the UPDATER better not get fouled up... simply stated.
Distro forks are easy. New distros are even easier. Ubuntu is waiting in the wings and will take off and fly (is already) if Suse gets messed up again. Its just a matter of time before Ubuntu has a pretty graphical installer and starts to give value add to the distrobution. Should Novell care, they might want to stay ahead of the game... capitalize on their strengths, and not foul the props in the future. It only takes one major slip to tip the scales.
That said, I must admit that probably no one at Novell is listening... so, maybe it is a distro war.
Kind regards,
M Harris <><
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I disagree. The question was what's the difference and to me who has the same question, it has not been answered. I do agree that the 10.1 distro fouled up a lot of stuff and the folks at Novell _do_ need to hear, but I merely was saying, the original question to me, has not been answered, just a lot of complaints about the updater. Just my opinion. -Keith