I'll keep your advice about a new KDE concept in mind. However, I think we have a right to expect a more gradual transition to this new concept, with time for feedback, time to evaluate the new concept and correct flaws. It should be possible to adopt elements of the new concept one by one, while retaining and deprecating the old concept. This is especially true when the old concept is working just fine! Spring the new concept on us all at once, while pulling the old concept out from under our feet is not the Linux style -- is it? And there's no excuse for eliminating functionality! When developers start doing that, I suspect them of playing Big Brother -- e.g., deciding in our behalf that using the mouse is more "progressive" than using the keyboard, or deciding in our behalf that we really don't need the wonderful software we have been using on a daily basis for years, simply because the software is "not GUI enough"! If the new concepts are good, there is no need to force-feed them to us. Taking away our options is what the "communists" at Microsoft do! --- On Fri, 2/19/10, C <smaug42@gmail.com> wrote:
From: C <smaug42@gmail.com> Subject: Re: [opensuse] 11.2 a big step backwards? To: opensuse@opensuse.org Date: Friday, February 19, 2010, 6:50 AM On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 12:40, Charles Obler <joyinstruggle@yahoo.com> wrote:
I've spent hours exploring the KDE control panel, but I haven't found the basic 10.2 features I listed.
Don't make the mistake a few others here have made. KDE4 is *NOT* KDE3.5 plus bug fixes. It is conceptually different than KDE3. Good or bad, that's what it is. it works differently, it uses newer/different desktop management tools and concepts. If you insist on making KDE4 look and behave click/keypress identical to KDE3.5, you're setting yourself up for major pain and trouble.
Learn the KDE4 "way" of doing things (it won't take much time... most of it (but not all just yet) is pretty intuitive)... sometimes the same functionality you are used to from KDE3 is there, and it works the same, sometimes it's there, but in a different place. Where it's missing, we open bug reports (example., showing image MetaData).... and they do actually get worked on and fixed :-)
As long as you approach it this way, you will get used to it pretty quick, and start to see that the KDE guys are actually making KDE a lot better... and going back to KDE3 will feel like a big step back. It' snot 100% there yet, but it's getting really close.
If you try to make KDE4 into KDE3, it won't work... you'll have problems at every turn...
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