I've installed SuSE 9.3 for an acquaintance on a system that has a wireless connection to a DSL modem/router (which was supplied by sbcglobal.net). Some days ago, YOU stopped working on that system. [YOU worked correctly on that system before that.] I've now tracked down the problem. Apparently an interruption occurred on the DSL connection (perhaps assigning a new IP address to the DSL modem itself). Something (perhaps the DSL modem/router itself) changed the 'relaying' of the HTTP protocol (through port 80 on the DSL modem <i.e., proxy>) in such a way that a webpage is returned that says "The broadband connection was interrupted but is again working. Please restart your browser. If this message is still displayed, please reboot your system". When YOU tries to fetch the list of mirror sites (this was likely my first use of HTTP after the system with the wireless connection was booted the next day), what YOU displays is a string in which 'broadband\error.html' has been appended to the base URL of where YOU tried to fetch from. Obviously, this does not work. Not only did something (perhaps the DSL modem itself) "corrupt" the HTTP dialogue that YOU was using, but there is no mention of how to __clear__ this situation. Rebooting the system that has the wireless connection *can* get rid of the "Restart your Browser" page if it was Mozilla that was showing it, but it does not get rid of it for YOU. Whoever programmed the something apparently believed that only specific browsers ever used HTTP. [Even power- cycling the DSL modem does not get rid of the problem to YOU.] mikus