On Wednesday 31 January 2001 11:48, Phil Shrimpton wrote:
From: Damon Register
I was drooling too until I saw the price. The price is too high.
I think the price is OK, its the same as JBuilder
'Open Edition', for open source/freeware development = $Free (or $99 on CD with manual) 'Desktop' for GUI, Database etc, etc, = $999 'Server' for Apache modules and other server development = $1999
Even at $1999, that is one billable day, and I would be 'back in credit' after a couple of days on my first project. This are also new user prices, I expect a 50% reduction for existing Borland customers, slightly less for 'competitive' upgrades.
Exactly. I had my own consulting business for 15 years before I retired it. On occasion I paid more than $2,000 for a tool (an visual AREV dev tool) and many times $500+ (VB & PB). In less than a week it was paid for. Then, in the late 80's it dawned on me. Why pay at all. The client can buy the tool and keep it on one of their boxes. I didn't have to keep buying upgrades and versions, or bother with version differences as I went from project to project. But, the real reason I'm dropping in on this thread is to mention that Kylix claims its compile rate is 4 million lines per second. My experience with previous Borland Pascal tools suggests the claim is valid. Then a thought hit me..... Why not create a Pascal version of the Linux kernel, with a GUI interface screen to allow configuration and nearly instant compilation.? With the modules as units, that can be added in or removed from the running kernel, recompiling and installing a new driver should be effortless. The mind boggles..... JLK -- Scientific theories, according to Sir Karl Popper, can be "falsified," or proven wrong, by experiment. Unscientific theories -Marxist dialectical history and Freudian psychology were Popper's favorites- are formed in such a way that they cannot be falsified by data.