This week I got my printer working (downloaded lprold). My Mac and Windows Machines also print to lp2. Centralized at last! I still admit I don't know what's going on or what voodoo I'm using for this, but it's working for now. Finally experienced sound. Installed an AWE64 sound card and updated Real Player to 7. With Real and Flash, the web is pretty lively on my Linux box. For my favorite improvement, I used DENY to stop a .mp3 search engine that was sniffing my ftp server every 15 minutes! Or is this my favorite achievement? Got my wife using SuSE Linux as "her" computer. She was always complaining because I rent my various Windows computers sometimes, and her e-mail goes with them. The Linux box don't move, so she logs-in and logs-out and all that. That's cool. Anyone who has read my posts or replies over the past year, knows these to be major achievements! I'm still dumb though, I was all hacking the isapnp.conf file and then decided to follow the instructions and use OSS from the install CD. Poof! Easy as can be, though I tried to make it hard. Next, and almost last on my list, get two ethernet cards working. It was not automatic last time I tried it, though that does not mean much. Good work everyone on the planet! Keep it up so I can keep having fun! -------------------- Help yourself first, search this list at: http://www.geocrawler.com _____________________________________________________ Daniel Woodard daniel.woodard@extricate.com design@mindspring.com -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/