YaST used not to be Free Software but it is now (GPL IIRC). SUSE have answered this question in the past - the issue is one of resale, you can give the SUSE distro away but you can't resell it. You also need to take out all the commercial stuff they throw in. I believe the ftp version removes all that. If you redistribute any modifications of software released under the GPL then those modifications have to be GPL'ed too. (faq page on www.gnu.org) - other free software licences have similar conditions With your intended project you might need to make sure that you are not redistributing - does a different air force base count? None of my business of course, but throwing a few Dollars back into the free software pot might help you get a better version next time. On Sunday 06 March 2005 22:35, William H Lugg wrote:
On Sunday 06 March 2005 11:34, James Knott wrote:
Scorpy wrote:
Can this version be used free of charge without limitations in a company if i download it from the internet?
Yes. You can use it on as many systems as you want.
How about this. I'mworking on a project for the Air Force that is planning on taking the SuSE distro, weeding out the stuff that isn't needed (games, office apps, etc.), adding our in-house developed app and DB and repackage it for distribution to various sites (Military bases) for use. The plan is to use YaST to do the installation of our app and DB as well as the standard stuff. Our current take is that we need to hold a purchased SuSE license for each site that will use the app. Is this correct? Note that we aren't looking for SuSE support for these distributed licenses and the users come to us for support.
Where could I go to get a warm and fuzzy on the correct approach from a legal perspective? I've looked at the GPL and some other info on the SuSE site, but have trouble getting past the legal mumbo jumbo.
Thanks. ---- Bill Lugg Milstar Software Support Peterson AFB, CO