** "from the bottom of my heart, off the coast of Carolina, after one or two false starts ** Specs for Hauppauge WinTV PVR-250BTV tuner card included in bundle: * 125 channel cable ready TV tuner (NTSC/NTSC-J Only) * Composite/s-video input to connect to VCRs, camcorders, cable and satellite boxes. * High quality MPEG2 video and audio encoder * dbx-TV stereo decoder all you lovely hardware gurus out there, and a couple of you who apparenlty use haupauge will this one work do you think? The above is all the data supplied by the catalog folks, a call to them results in some idiot reading me the line from the catalog .. duh! I'm also looking at a Turtle Beach cap card that looks very nice, if it will work. Gotta yell at a TB guy to find out. They are loath to let me know if thier stuff does work unless there actualy is an active free software development project going on. <sigh> but every now and then you can get a harried tech to tell you yes it will no it definately can't ( not enough chips or something since windows is so often happy to shove processing for items onto the main compuer processor .. Guess dear BillyG still thinks that 640k is enough for anybody, and the fast processors now available must be idle most of the time... silly boy! Anyway, if you guys have any info to share I'd be best pleased, if I find out anything useful I will post it here -- j -- nemo me impune lacessit