Heh heh... wanna bet it'll be the Comp USA online price that goes up, instead? Anyway, I just called FutureShop, and the sales drone who answered said they don't know. They've had a few inquiries, and will just wait for head office to carry or not carry the product. There MUST be something legal or political going on, or this would not have dragged on for months, as it has. (Maybe somebody felt they'd been screwed on an exclusivity deal... I dunno, I'm only speculating on the usual reasons that such glitches flare up... and then linger with bad blood and recriminations). **** I wish a SuSE honcho would either confirm that there's a Canadian distribution conflict of some kind (and say what's being done to resolve it), or tell us who the approved regional distributor is, so we can tell our favorite local stores who to call. Preferrably, get it fixed before 8.1, wouldja, so I can buy off the shelf? Oh, and fix SuSE compatibility with my DVD drive *before* I buy the next upgrade. ;-> /kevin PS: Question for you USians, does BestBuy carry SuSE? They just built a big new store here in Ottawa, a few blocks from my office, and then announced that they were going to concentrate their initial market-penetration effort on five new stores in Toronto area (five hours away), so my local store will sit empty and hopeful for another year.... sheesh! On Wednesday 05 June 2002 12:49, Forrest Halford wrote:
By the way, I am the fellow that said that Comp USA was trying to sell it for $99 instead of $79
I looked up thier retail price on their website for it, at $79 and printed that out and took it to them, and they sold it to me for the $79 without coment.
Next week I will see if they have changed the listed price on the shelf.
regards Forrest
On Wed, 5 Jun 2002 11:39:45 -0400, a large badger frolicked about on your keyboard, and out came:
Regarding retail availability of SuSE, I believe that something political is happening. I ordered mine from SuSE (and got it, and don't want to total up all the costs to know what I actually paid for 8.0 Pro...). But that was after I couldn' get it at local retail
Here in Ottawa, Novo Club was a SuSE retailer for years, and they stopped carrying it (before they went belly-up). So, I tried other local distributors -- including Camelot in Montreal, and MicroAge (used by my employer for all their SW and HW needs)-- and they all had the same story: The regional distributor is no longer carrying SuSE, and they are/were waiting for a resolution. Mandrake and a couple of other distros were similarly not reaching retailers.
Without other evidence than the visible fiasco, I'm speculating that either somebody at SuSE dropped the ball or stepped on somebody's toes -- perhaps while SuSE were downsizing in North America -- or that some other company is pulling Microsloth tactics on regional distributors, to have SuSE (and perhaps others?) excluded. Hmm. Has RH been difficult to find in local retailers? Vile, dirty speculation.... stop that... :-)
Anyway, as the otherwise proud owner of a Pioneer DVD drive, I was royally pissed off to have paid all that money, only to have been unable to use the included DVD. Had I known, I might have just downloaded 8.0... or waited for 8.1.
Regardless, I'm hoping that SuSE gets the Canadian distribution act together in the very near future. My company is pretty well settled on RH as they move away from Windows on our desktops, but there's still a tiny hope of getting SuSE in here instead... tiny... and only if there's reliable availability. Do you suppose SuSE considers Canada to be a third-world country?
On Tuesday 28 May 2002 08:30, James Oakley wrote:
On May 27, 2002 10:26 pm, Ralph Sanford wrote: ...snip...
When ckm mentioned Future Shop in Canada would carry SuSE, I also thought about buying from them. However, Future Shop had no idea what I was asking about and a search on their web page only found SuSE 7.2, this in late April.
camelot.ca was expecting SuSE 8 soon and in Calgary one of the computer bookstores (Nexus) had ordered it and expected to receive SuSE in a few weeks. At that point it was easier to order from the states as per normal.
Both SuSE (Digital River) and Linux Central will ship to Canada. As I am sure you are familiar with, after the exchange rate on Cdn peso's plus shipping the landed cost in Canada is ~C$150 for SuSE pro.
I paid over C$200 for 7.3 after shipping, taxes, etc, IIRC. I ordered that one from SuSE.
If someone in Canada would actually stock SuSE in a timely manner I would buy from them, until then online from the US appears to be the best bet.
Yeah, next time I'm not waiting around.
For now, I've ordered 8.0 from camelot.ca (whose order form claims a valid email address is invalid).
- -- James Oakley