Currently, I use logsurfer to monitor a couple of log files (both system and application). When certain phrases appear in the logs, I or others are e-mailed that they've popped up. For the most part, it works great. On occasion, though, it has a little hissy fit and does strange things -- for example, a rule that works 99% of the time will sometimes send duplicate notifications of a line appearing in the logs. I'm wondering a couple of things: - Are there other programs out there that will do this kind of active monitoring? Real-time notification is essential, which makes cron'd post-processing applications less than ideal. - If there isn't anything else that's better, anyone have any ideas why logsurfer may, on very rare occasions, send duplicate notifications? Has anyone else seen this kind of behavior? Thanks! - Ian -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: