Originally to: Jon Pennington Hello Jon! Monday October 29 2001 20:02, Jon Pennington wrote to SuSE-Linux List: JP> As any user, try `man foo' where foo is the name of most of the JP> processes you listed, Have you tried 'man kxmlrpcd' ? or 'man dcopserver' etc ? That is why I asked it here. JP> most of which are KDE services or applications. JP> KDE starts a lot of things that you can't kill if you want to run JP> KDE. I have tried killing a few programs but it did not help yet. Perhaps I must try some more :-)
Is there anything that causes the trouble I have with sending email?
JP> Probably not, but a process list isn't going to be sufficient to find JP> that out. Maybe SMTP is simply disallowed on your network? I don't know. Sendmail is running now and it says: Initializing SMTP port. (sendmail) done Kees <-> Gateway Information. This message originated from a Fidonet System (http://www.fidonet.org) and was gated at TCOB1 (http://www.tcob1.net) Please do not respond direct to this message but via the list