In the Message: [suse-linux-e ML: No.259185] with the date of Thu, 5 Jan 2006 07:28:18 -0700 [kevin] == kevin.kempter@dataintellect.com has written:
kevin> I ran sax2 but when I tried to test the connfig it failed. Oh, I see. Maybe, you have got a refresh rate problem. Your display is LCD type, isn't it? If so, you must set the max value of hirizontal sync to 68.0. kevin> The new ati created xorg.config file sems to be a completely kevin> different format than my original xorg.config file that sax2 kevin> generated. Yes, your xorg.conf is curious. sax2 didn't work properly, I think. HTH, --- Masaru Nomiya mail-to: nomiyac360@mg.point.ne.jp "Bill! You married with Computers. Not with Me!" "No..., with money."