Dia (http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/) is from my point of view the best alternative to Visio (dia it works also on Windows and Mac). Even better than the non-free Kivio version. It includes lot of diagram libraries (Engeniering, time, flow, ER, UML, Cisco, ....), and has a lot of extra tools: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/links.html.
Do you - or anybody else - know if there is a diagram library for laboratory drawings. Test tubes, bunsen burners, connecting pipes etc. ? -- Kaare Rasmussen --Linux, spil,-- Tlf: 3816 2582 Kaki Data tshirts, merchandize Fax: 3816 2501 Howitzvej 75 Åben 12.00-18.00 Email: kar@kakidata.dk 2000 Frederiksberg Lørdag 12.00-16.00 Web: www.suse.dk