20 Jul
20 Jul
Ok this is the 3rd try now, I hope someone opens his mind and is capable of helping me out with maybe a script or at least a pointer to a file or also any appreciated idea: I wrote: /// I set some aliases like alias $='ls -alX', and now I am experiencing that I do not get what I wanted. I would like the appearance of the LS output to be like under good old dos with "doscmd=/o:gen" or "dir /o:gen", that is directories sorted in a-z order FIRST, then the a-z sorted FILES. Any thoughts? \\\ The apperances of dir /o:gen under DOS 6.2x environment looks sort of this: DIRs a-z FILEs a-z Anyhow, I tried this under Suse 7.0 and I seem not to get what I want. Does anyone have a solution/hint/script for that?