On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, MaD dUCK wrote:
sure, that might work. but i am also not quite so much in favor of the whole /etc/rc.config deal. sure, i see the advantages, but (a) i know linux, and (b) i want to know what's going on. /etc/rc.config obfuscates aspects of the system and in that case i might really just run windoze. (okay, that's a little exaggerated).
Yes, that'd better be exaggerated! :-)
sure, it's quite good but only to the ones that aren't anal as i am about the computer. my mom would love it because she could then surf and email and word process all that she wanted asap. i dislike it because i know how to do all of the above asap anyway and i hate wizards and gui's!
The alternative isn't necessarily wizards and/or guis. The beauty of YaST/SuSEConfig is that you have _one_ place where you can tweak most aspects of SuSE. This is what most such tools try to accomplish. Now, if you don't like YaST, you still have most settings in one place, /etc/rc.config, or now also rc.config.d. For the most part you have _one_ file to edit instead of five. (See? I'm exaggerating just like you are :-) ) Look, I've been where you are, but I haven't got the time anymore to deal with details like that. I have a _lot_ of systems to maintain, and as time goes by, less and less of my time is spent on pure UNIX system administration. My time is spent at the application level, or planning or designing for new projects in the bank I work for. So my feeling is that if you use Linux/UNIX to do some actual _work_ SuSE's design/layout is great. If you are more interested in the "pure" OS functionality in itself or something, then perhaps another distro is better for you. (BTW, if this sounds like I'm negative to your motives or interests, I truly am not. I'm just trying to tell you that the conclusion on whether something is "good" or "bad" depends a great deal on what the _purpose_ of the system is. To draw parallels between SuSE and M$ because of their admin tools couldn't be less fair.) ---J.T.U.