25 Mar
25 Mar
On Sunday 25 March 2001 16:18, you wrote:
I don't know if you have a scsi card corresponding to aic7..; If so, did you check in yast1 or /etc/rc.config if INITRD_MODULES has aic7xxx. Did you do mk_initrd? Did you run lilo ? Be carefull with those, read the the manual !!
Yes i have a proper card. On kernel 2.2.16 it worked without problem. And if i used insmod than also working. In rc.config i have aic7xxx. When I did mk_initrd than i have message 'nothing to do' and initrd delete from /boot. I have just SuSE 7.0 on PC, without network cards, just a modem. Thank you. Best regards, Mitja