On 31/12/2003 0:37, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Vic Ayres <vic@ayresonline.co.uk> [12-30-03 19:13]: <snip>
Strangely, after posting about .xinitrc/.xsession in another thread, I found by chance on the SDB, article http://portal.suse.com/sdb/en/2003/10/dcon_xsession_sl90.html which says that 9.0 doesn't use ~/.xsession, only ~/.xinitrc. Your experience suggests that this is untrue. Personally, I ln -s .xinitrc .xsession and I haven't noticed any problems.
Do a tkdiff .xinitrc /etc/X11/xdm/sys.xsession and you will see there are considerable differences _although_ those differences may not make much noticeable visual difference ...????
Yes, I see what you mean. All I can say is that a long time ago I found the advice to symlink ~/.xinitrc and ~/.xsession and I've done that since with no apparent problems. -- Vic Ayres