Hi, This is a good thread to give you some views to the future on S.u.S.E. Linux and Internet/PPP configuration.... :-) I'am currently working on a set of scripts that will make PPP installation a lot more easy. We'll have a form in YaST that asks you some questions (tel number, modem init, username/passwd...) and you can select an ISP or ISP type. With this information we'll generate a pppup/down script, and a diald configuration that can connect you to your ISP on demand. I like to have the PPP configuration as easy as the ISDN one. So, if you know something about special needs for several ISPs, please let me know. Ciao, BB PS: Is somebody around who uses AOL with Linux? -- Bodo Bauer S.u.S.E., LLC fon +1-510-835 7873 bb@suse.de 458 Santa Clara Avenue fax +1-510-835 7875 http//www.suse.com Oakland CA, 94610 USA -- To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e