On 2018-04-04 05:57, David C. Rankin wrote:
On 04/03/2018 10:00 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote: <quote>
I can not try this instant, but I think that yes, you can go back to the first screen if you wish, one be one. Notice the [BACK] button down on the screen:
<https://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/leap/startup/html/book.opensuse.s= tartup/images/install_summary_osuse.png>
But there is no need to go back at all: at that summary screen click on "software" and it will allow you to select any package or pattern you wis= h.
(**note:** I'm manually quoting your messages because they are still blank in my Tbird and I have to Ctrl+U to read :)
You still have that problem? Wow :-( I wondered why the strange quoting. I think you need a different mail account with another provider, yours does strange things.
Yes, I chose "Software" and that is when I went to OSS and added IceWm, but it didn't pull the X-server in. And, yes, I realize my mistake in not choosing the X-pattern, but I try and avoid "patterns" just do to all the stuff I don't want being installed without me telling it to. The minimal X is probably fine, (IIRC you get TWM and not much more -- which is good)
Yes, the "minimal X pattern" was a good one, I miss it.
Why isn't Fluxbox in OSS? That is a damn good desktop that installs in 300K. IceWm is 2M. (and all those are boxtop forks (original was Blackbox, the IceWm, Fluxbox, LXDE, etc..). But the LXDE install has grown like weeds in a vacant lot, and you might as well go ahead and install Xfce at that point.
Some of the patterns you only get with online repos enabled. For instance, on 15.0 you absolutely need online repos or there is no XFCE and other patterns, so the situation is even worse.
You can bet I'm grabbing the Minimal X Config next time :)
Now we just have to finish getting the KDE3 repo finished for 15 and I'm good to try the "upgrade" path.
You must start thinking about letting KDE3 die, the support is limited and the problems to maintain it increase exponentially. Me, I'd be happy to still be able to run some of the KDE3 apps that were not ported. Kbabel, rekall... -- Cheers/Saludos Carlos E. R. (testing openSUSE Leap 15.0, at Minas-Anor) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse+owner@opensuse.org