31 Aug
31 Aug
Hello Silly me. I should have remembered better: imapd shiped/offered since SuSE 7.0 does *not* work properly with any/some Windows clients (Netscape, ImapNotifier). The solution is to remove current imap package (SuSe 7.1/7.2) and then install imap.rpm package from 7.0 and, naturally (!!) pop3.rpm (or is it pop.rpm). What's wrong with 7.1/7.2 imap.rpm when it comes to Win+Netscape or such? --Jyry C:-( C:-/ C========8-O C8-/ C:-( Chiquita: Tuemme "Puhdas elämä (suomalaiselle) lapselle" sekä "Paha elämä banaaninpoimijalle" kampanjoita