On Friday 29 April 2005 00:30, Darryl Gregorash wrote:
Doug McGarrett wrote:
get some thermal grease, from Thermaloy or someone like them. Take off the heatsink, coat it with a LIGHT layer of thermal grease, and reinstall it on the CPU. Bzzzt!!
Sorry, but right after magnets, grease or oil of any kind is the absolute last thing you want to be putting inside your computer -- interiors of fans excepted. There is proper heatsink material on the market for uses like this.
That's what he just told him - apply some thermal grease between the heatsink and CPU. I see nothing wrong with this advice, in fact I would do this if it were my computer. Bryan ******************************************************** Powered by SuSE Linux 9.2 Professional KDE 3.3.0 KMail 1.7.1 This is a Microsoft-free computer Bryan S. Tyson bryantyson@earthlink.net ********************************************************