On Friday 16 February 2007, David Mayr wrote:
Hi Evan,
I want to setup a backup system for a server where the data is backed up to my laptop which connects wirelessly on the network. There should be 1 day a week where it does a full backup and the other days just incrementals to a separate directory not affecting the full backup.
I'm using 'reoback' [1] for quite a long time now and I'm very happy with it. It makes tarballs with full backups once a week and incremental ones the other days. It then can upload the files via ftp to somewhere you specify.
A backup system is measured by its RESTORE capability, not how fast or easy it actually backs up data. Backup is almost always scheduled and un-attended. Restore has everyone standing around waiting while the one specific file deleted by accident two days ago is searched, and restored. When selecting backup software look to how easy it is to recover ONE specific file and restore it to 1) its original location, and 2) an alternate new location. To do this any backup system must support some form of catalog or index and a means of quickly getting to the specific location in the backup to extract that file without having to wade through the entire tape/disk image to find it. So how does reoback handle that? -- _____________________________________ John Andersen