On Tuesday 03 February 2009 14:10:36 peter nikolic wrote:
I have just been trying the so called activivities out and being polite about it , it is a total pile of crap ,
Yeah, I looked at it, and I don't need that feature.
People had been asking for tha ability to have a different set of icons on each virtual desktop and what do we get
People have been asking for far more than the KDE developers have time to provide. Also, users don't always know what solution actually addresses their issues until they've tried more than one.
Click on the Peanut zoom out click on another activity click on zoom in what the hell is that all about
It's the zooming UI. You don't have to use it to switch activities. You can instead put an "Activity Bar" widget somewhere (for example, a panel) and use it to change activities.
what is wrong with desktop 1 Ham radio icons Desktop 2 Office icons Desktop 3 games icons
Switching desktops also switches what windows are being displayed. The developers decided that it would be nice to change "sets of windows" (Virtual Desktops) separately from "sets of widgets" (Activities) so you get both. Try Activity 1: Ham Radio, Activity 2: Office, Activity 3: Games.
ect ect ect the offering so far is no better than shutting the session down and restarting as a differnet user
That's not true at all. Even using the zooming UI, switching activities requires fewer clicks and less time than logging off and logging back on.
will someone please LISTEN to what is being asked for and action it
People donating their time generally implement what they want, not what you want. You might try offering some sort of exchange to a KDE developer for your desired feature and/or petitioning other entities to do so. -- Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. bss@iguanasuicide.net ((_/)o o(\_)) ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-' http://iguanasuicide.net/ \_/