Ben Rosenberg wrote:
It should read. "We'll give you the best system possible with as easy of an install as we can, but if your a newbie and think that it should just work without knowing anything...go buy a Mac" but even then something would require some work. My wife still has to boot into OS9 because her "supported" external USB CDR won't work in OSX. Computers suck most of the time..and are not VCR's so they require work. I've install 100's of Windows boxes with all types of drivers for tons of different pieces of hardware and it's not all that easy. It's "easier" if you've been working with it for a while. Hence I have very little trouble with Solaris, Linux or Windows. If you come from the Windows world and expect Linux to be the same...forget it.
I've got at least 35 co-workers by now who have 8.0 working and love it. They have printers, scanners and all sorts of stuff hooked to these boxes...but then again they knew the difference between OS installation and configuration.
Sorry I don't sympathize with this attitude of " This should just work and if not someone should tell me how to make it work without me having to do anything to help the process ". *shrug*
Excuse us Ben, But that is a pretty high and mighty attitude. Now we all know how good you are. It's too bad we all don't have the great depth and expanse of knowledge that you do. Maybe you should be running slackware where your opinions would be held in higher esteem. SuSE is supposed to be "user friendly". I have hesitated and resisted making any comments here but your attitude and demeanor have driven me to it. Now I must. It has nothing to do with other OS's or expecting someone to hold my hand. I work at it as hard as anyone on this list......Here is why SuSE support is not up to it: I did a new install of 8.0 about a month ago. I still cannot make my PCI modem work. This is the same modem that worked flawlessly with 7.0 & 7.2. RH6.0 before that. I configured the modem with Yast 1 at that time. Alas, Yast 1, the best install tool they ever had is no longer available. SuSE doesn't say support is for the installation. They say that support is for the installation of a basic operating system. To me that means at least the printer and modem should work. Otherwise what use is it? So far, after 27 days, and after waiting 19 days for a reply, they have only advised me to go to a help page. Now, tell me there isn't something wrong when a piece of hardware that worked previoulsy on two of their older OS's,and will not now work on a later version, and they cannot be bothered to tell me why. I have an OS that is useless. Maybe I should be running slackware. At least I would know where I stand. That is pretty poor support in my book. I really don't want to get into a squabble with anyone on this list and that is all I have to say. May all of the high and mighty flame me if they must,I will not reply. I suppose now I will be "blacklisted" and receive no more help. Very dissapointing to say the least. SuSE support is NOT up to it ! Period! Bob Stia