Greets: Goodness, have not had to struggle with X drivers for a very very long time..:) background info; card: generic Gforgce4 MMX440SE System: 8.2 SuSE Kernel: 2.4.20-4GB-athlon <vanila SuSE> gcc: 3.3 20030226 (CD shipping version) Now running the installer as per SuSE howto's barf with error message in /var/log/nvidia-installation-log gcc mismatch, sanity check failed. If you are sure you know what you are doing issue the command, IGNORE_CC_MISMATCH Problem: Um exactly where am I supposed to pass the parameter? sh NVIDIA-xxxxx.rn --IGNORExxxx (no go: unknown parameter) expanding the package and passing the parameter to the installer directly also does not work. So anyone have an idea on how to turn the gcc sanity check off>? Many thanks /ch