Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Marc Chamberlin <> [01-01-70 12:34]:
So I have a question - When I configure a printer via YaST, and get all done, is not YaST suppose to restart the CUP'S daemon? I should think so! The fact that it doesn't cost me a LOT of debugging time. I finally gave up on trying to use YaST and configured the CUP's server by hand.
I believe that I saw recently that cups via a web browser, localhost:631, is the preferred way to setup a printer in openSUSE, rather than YaST.
And it is still required to restart the cups daemon by hand.
UGH! The problem with using the web browser is that if the server is not running, because an improper configuration file is preventing it from running, the user has no clue as to what the problem is and therefore cannot use the web browser as a guide to properly set up and configure CUPs! And because YaST is apparently buggy or mis-designed, the poor user falls into a trap because it is the only other obvious tool available to graphically guide him/her to a solution. (which any lazy user will try an use, rather than dig into tons of documentation on how to configure CUPs at a lower level) It therefore becomes a Catch22 with no indication being given to the user as to what might be wrong, if and when he cannot get the server running. Therefore, if YaST is going to provide a GUI to help setup and configure printers, it is imperative that YaST also automatically attempt to start the cups daemon and report the results to the user. I EXPECT YaST to be a well tested guide and this is a very disappointing failure! For YaST to silently not start CUPs, and report no problems, leaves the user in the dark. That is why I had to spend so much time debugging this mess, and after hours and hours of digging (and requesting help here and with several other groups) I finally came to realize that YaST was not behaving as I expected it to... Especially in my case where I am using a CUPs server on a different machine to handle the actual printing for all my Linux clients, and just wanted my laptop to forward print requests to it.. (That central server then forwards the print jobs on to a Windoz machine where my printer is actually connected to!) I had NO IDEA where, in all these layers the problem laid. Marc.. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: