Hi, Newbie on fetchmail config.. I just installed fetchmail on my Suse 8.1, now I am a bit puzzled on how to get the mail distributed to different mail boxes. I do not have a dedicated line so I have to dialup everytime I need to send or receive email(configured on the Linux box) My config is like this. xyz.com : website where all emails to everyone in our company are delivered (and also spam) since we receive everyemai@xyz.com. Now what I want to do is use fetchmail to retrieve emails from this site (pop it) and distribute it locally to our internal mail server (sendmail - on a different box , which is again a suse 8.1) on our lan, to each and every individual to whom the mail is addressed. all the mails for which we do not have a user id on the internal sendmail system should be trashed, or be bounced back to the originator. The end effect should be like: Say I get mail for abc@xyz.com it should be popped form xyz.com and delivered to our internal sendmail server which resides on our inner network, and delivers it to my internal mail user at abc@internal.xyz.com When the users want to send email they send it to the local sendmail system using SMTP and this sendmail server then relays it to the outer SMTP server from our provider with email addresses as abc@xyz.com. Now I agree this is a fairly complicated issue, but I hope there would be someone who would have got this configured and up and running on Suse. I know of professional products which do this but cannot afford to get them at my SOHO. Vishal