I am rather confused at the blatant omission of proper PHP4 support in SuSE 10.1. Why were these removed, and why would a mainstream distribution choose to remove support for a still widely used version of PHP. Proper LAMP support is necessary. I'm trying to start learning PHP4, but I can't do so effectively b/c the proper php4-mysql package is missing. I'm sorry that I updated. Does anybody know how I can find php4 packages for 10.1? Any repos I can add? Will the 10.0 packages work? -- <html> <b>SAJ</b> <i>a.k.a. SAJChurchey</i><br /> <ul> <li><a href="http://www.cyberarmy.net" target="_blank">Cyberarmy</a> <a href="http://www.cyberarmy.net/~sajchurchey" target="_blank">Major</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.osix.net" target="_blank">OSIX</a> System Administrator and Editor</li> <li><a href="http://www.mgalug.org" target="_blank'>MGALUG</a> Vice President</li> </ul> </html>