I'n on the line with Pascal - the only thing the community can do is to use the torrents. not everyone in the community has access to a server that coulc act as a sort mirror (not even a slow one). to get the situation with BitTorrent (BT) better, there is something both - Novell / SUSE and the community can do: the "backbone" of BT are the seeders - users who have the complette files and are online as long as possible and so fast as possible. the *trick* could be as fallows: - at time X, all needed stuff is made by Novell/SUSE - RPMs, ISOs etc. the files will find there way to eberhard, so he can setup the main mirror - at time X+1 a working torrent-file is created, and on some place there will be a _main-seeder_ - maybe at Novell/SUSE, maybe at GWDG. importend: it has to be a *fast* seeder. and it has to accept as mutch clients as possible. at this time, no ISOs are public aviable jet, we are still before launchtime. - at time X+2 the torrent-file will be send out to the community - to all on this list, or to "special" users of the community. how ever, everyone starts his BT-client and downloads the ISOs. when there is a download speed around 50 - 100 kb/s, the complete files will be out in 10 - 14 hours. (this is the speed I have currently at 10 AM local german time ...). as near as possible as the main backbone is internal up und ready, also the resnc of mirrors can start. the mirror admins have to hold back all files and stuff till [launchtime+Y] so [X+2] should be arrount [launchtime - 12 hours] - at [launchtime] the BT-file will be announced at openSUSE.org. at this time there will be out sufficient data in the BT-network, so the users will have a acceptable download-speed. - at [launchtime+Y] when allmost more mirrors are ready the ISO- files will be announced at openSUSE.org. behind the downlaod- link at the wiki there will be run the load balancer that has his "eye" on all the mirrors and makes the redict to one og them. so not only af gwdg.de. Y should be arround 24 hours - I think that will be a timeframe that solves some of the problems that a) users and community wants to have the ISOs and b) the needed time to get more mirrors in sync with gwdg.de there is also the option *jigdo* that will be look good to solve some piece of the problem. I've worked with it for the win-GUI the last night, and I think that will be a good option (even I think, the need of a working GUI on other plattforms then Win is realy needed, and the main downloader jigdo-lite will realy need some improvemends (for example: it should be possible to have more then one wget running at the same time - even on slow connections). and last but not least: I agree with others that Novell/SUSE realy should think about the option for more support at gwdg.de for the situation *mirroring* - but that will be aout of the timeframe of this release I think. at least: the numbers of seeds with complette ISOs is up from 1 to 3 at 10.55 AM local german time - so, if users of / or the the community get more involved into the BT-track it will improve the BT-track, regards, JBScout