Works! and how to make this default? -----Original Message----- From: Harsh Busa [mailto:harsh.busa@gmail.com] Sent: 07 October 2004 11:28 To: Heupink, Mourik Jan C. Cc: SLE Subject: Re: [SLE] how to get mc and yast showing nice lines via putty try this argument before running mc export LANG=C On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 11:10:15 +0200, Heupink, Mourik Jan C. <heupink@intech.unu.edu> wrote:
dear list.
I asked this before, but didn't get any solutions... I'm sure some of you must know how to solve this.
I've installed SuSE 9.1 ftp on a new server, and am having the following problem:
I can't get yast and mc to show they 'graphic' lines correctly. If i select utf8 in putty, mc works beautifully, and yast shows wrong characters (qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq instead of horizontal line) and if I select ISO-8859-1 (and "use unicode line drawing code points") shows garbled characters, instead of nice lines.
what to do? With older verions of SuSE this used to work, never had this problem. What did I do wrong..?
Yours, Mourik Jan
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