30 Dec
30 Dec
Hello to All I wish all a nice hollyday. I have a problem with wget, I use: wget -r --load-cookies ~/.mozilla/firefox/rlvrthe8.default/cookies.txt --html-extension --mirror --convert-links --backup-converted --save-cookies --keep-session-cookies -p http://inter-data.bai.nu <http://inter-data.bai.nu/> My problem is, I can get wget to login with user and passwd via cookies.txt that work OK, but when wget have to follow the links it is missing the login, and I do not get price and stock level, and I am unable to update my shop. My vendor has got a new website and it woked fine with the old one, but not the newone her. So if anybody have a solution on this I will preciate to know. Regards Tage Denmark