Hello, In the Message; Subject : Suse Tumbleweed: VirtualBox 7.0.4-2.1: none of the virtual machines starts up Message-ID : <584f7b45-03eb-ae83-3687-234387b9c89a@yahoo.de> Date & Time: Sun, 4 Dec 2022 16:25:16 +0100 [PM] == Peter Maffter <petermaffter@yahoo.de> has written: PM> Tried to start one of my virtual machines, that were all working with Virtualbox PM> 6.1.X, but it got stuck in the black boot screen. PM> Same for all other virtual machines, that were working on the previous 6.1.X PM> versions. PM> Does anybody have a solution for this on Suse Tumbleweed? PM> Is there a way to install the old 6.X-rpm? After a struggle, I have come to the conclusion that; From 7.0, Don't use the Graphic Controler other than VBoxVGA! HTHs, Regards, --- ┏━━┓彡 野宮 賢 mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "A bachelor’s degree still holds prestige as a ticket to the middle class, but its value has received increasing scrutiny. In the last several years, rising tuition and student loan debt have led more Americans to reconsider an investment in postsecondary education." -- Washington Post --