Anders Johansson wrote:
On Saturday 02 July 2005 17:40, Peter B Van Campen wrote:
On Saturday 02 July 2005 00:04, Randall R Schulz wrote:
On Friday 01 July 2005 20:04, Cristian Rodriguez wrote:
for DVDs in Linux screw the MPAA and ; do dig $ ; done
| \ perl -ne 's/\.//g; print pack("H224",$1) if(/^x([^z]*)/)' |
Very subversive. I love it.
Comeon, share with the rest of us! :0)
If you run that command it will print out the CSS decryption algorithm. Someone is using DNS to distribute libdvdcss :)
I guess something in the mailing messed it up for me. I get a file, but it's not in gzip format: for DVDs in Linux screw the MPAA and ; do dig $ ; done| perl -ne 's/\.//g; print pack("H224",$1) if(/^x([^z]*)/)' |gunzip What did I lose? -- A lot of us are working harder than we want, at things we don't like to do. Why? ...In order to afford the sort of existence we don't care to live. -- Bradford Angier