I think the SuSE packages to upgrade to KDE 2.2.1 are brain damaged. I've not been reading mail with kmail, but I have used it to try and send mail, and it seg faults every time I try and send a mail with attachments. I noticed that the 'upgrade' packages didn't properly remove the previous KDE and QT packages either - they still show up in 'rpm -qa'. I assumed that 'rpm -Uvh' was the right thing to do, as there were no installation instructions from SuSE to say different. This has resulted in some KDE tools I've tried to compile manually, like kmsn and kmerlin, being confused over which QT version is on the system. Basicly they are uninstallable. Also the KDE login manager's fonts are now so small they are distorted and unreadable; and nothing I set in control center has any effect. So now I have a KDE and/or QT install in an inconstant state, and no real way to stablize it without removing all KDE and QT packages and reinstalling 2.1.2. And no I'm not interested in compiling from source - I want a system where the versions are tracked with rpm so that future OS upgrades work as they should. If anyone else reading this is thinking about moving to 2.2.1 my advise is to wait until 7.3 comes out in October and hope SuSE have got it right. To SuSE I say this .. half an upgrade, or a broken upgrade, is worse than no upgrade at all !!! And next time, please include a README with your rpm's. John On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, Mark Annandale wrote:
Hi Guys
Since upgrading to KDE 2.2.1 I've noticed that over half of my received mail messages arrive without a subject. Has anyone else found this, and if so have they managed to fix it?
Mark A -- Mark R Annandale SuSE 7.2 Pro KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.2
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