Theo v. Werkhoven wrote:
Sat, 19 Nov 2005, by
I have a dual boot machine. When I checks the stats on the seti page I noticed that they were different when running XP, or SuSE. The machine is mostly idle. Is anyone else running setiathome? Any thoughts on boosting perfromance?
Running under XP GenuineIntel Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.93GHz Microsoft Windows XP SP2, (05.01.2600.00)
Measured floating point speed 1390.1 million ops/sec Measured integer speed 2412.94 million ops/sec
Running under SuSE 9.3 with X GenuineIntel Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.93GHz Linux 2.4.21-297-default
Measured floating point speed 733.63 million ops/sec Measured integer speed 1895.05 million ops/sec
From what I read on the einstein@home forum there are significant differences between the Intel compiler that was used for the Windows client and gcc for Linux, with the Intel one being (far) superior in speed optimization for i686 code (I think gcc delivers smaller object-file though). Of course the Intel compiler /only/ makes i386 code, not code for a dozen other processor like gcc. And, being the "inventor", they
I've seen the same thing here. Even in wine the Windows client is faster than the Linux one. probably know some tricks the gcc developers don't, or don't think is important enough to implement.
Does anyone know if there is a gui BOINC client manager for KDE similar to KSetiSpy or Ksetiwatch? Jim