On Wednesday 04 December 2002 1:26 pm, Adagilson B B da Silva wrote:
Yes, it is a winmodem, but now with a pctel driver it could be made a linmodem. I made a install some week ago and it was connecting as "root". I've got to download Ximian Desktop and it was installed it. But, I never got myself connecting as user "adagilson". So I tried to make some alterations and now it's not connecting even as user "root". I just want to put my modem to connect again. a.
what alterations did you make? and to what? what dialer (kppp,kinternet,wvdial) are you using? and have you tried the others? What do the logs say? kinternet has a log if you right click the plug icon, and click view logs. To see Kppp's log there's a checkbox on the window. i think wvdial gives the info in the terminal window it opens. What happens if you hit query modem in the kppp setup window.Setup>Modem>query Modem. Does it return info about the modem? -- Franklin Maurer <nebbish@sprynet.com>