I've applied 0.2.9 against kernel 2.0.33 a month ago. It worked One thing to watch out is that you should only applied it once and only once. The undo operation does not always remove all the duplications. I repeated the patches as it did not look like it worked at first (I was not able to mount the FAT32 partition). I was not sure what the question meant. (I figured out after I got all the duplications that it was asking me what I wantd to do when it found the patches might have been applied). The sources and documentation all got messed up. Anyhow it turned out that the patched kernel was OK all along but I was trying to mount the wrong partition all the time. I had a 5G extended FAT32 partition on at the beginning of /dev/hd3. It showed up as the 5th partition on the device under linux. That was the one I had to mount instead of /dev/hd3a. I could not find anything on the documentation about what to mount, but the error message did kind of implicitly suggest that I was mounting partition which I shouldn't. I did not realized it really meant it because I got the same message before and after the patch. Anyway I worked fine afterwards. I also turned my other drive to FAT32 afterwards as Microsoft advocated it under Windows98. The DOS partition on this drive was 2G and installed as a primary, I could simply mount /dev/hd1a. It is nice to be able to access all the DOS partitions. It's good for storage and transferring of stuff across. However, linking and permissions are not supported in DOS partitions. I tried to install executable packages on DOS partition directly, it does not work if it needs links or sticky bits. Therefore we need need a good size linux partition. Good Luck, PC -----Original Message----- From: Hubert Mantel <mantel@suse.de> To: suse-linux-e@suse.com <suse-linux-e@suse.com> Date: March 30, 1998 1:11 PM Subject: [S.u.S.E. Linux] Re: Re: Fat32 patch
On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, zentara wrote:
I don't want to get you upset, since you know all the answers.:-) But that patch dosn't work, or else I'm way off in applying it.
First it isn't named VFAT32, its called fat32_joliet_nls_patch-0.2.8.
Yes, this is one of the things I dislike about this patch: It collects several things in one big patch. AFAIK there doesn't exist a VFAT32 patch alone.
Meanwhile there's a version 0.2.9. I assume this patch will apply better against recent kernels.
And it apparently was for "linux-2.0.31-clean" ; cause it won't work on "linux-2.0.33.pre.SuSE.3".
I assume it will fail with a clean 2.0.33, too. We didn't change anything in the relevant parts of the kernel, so you probably need a newer version of the patch
(<A HREF="http://www-plateau.cs.berkeley.edu/people/chaffee/fat32.html"><A HREF="http://www-plateau.cs.berkeley.edu/people/chaffee/fat32.html</A">http://www-plateau.cs.berkeley.edu/people/chaffee/fat32.html</A</A>>).
All it did was REMOVE the vfat option from the filesystems menu in menuconfig.
I think it's not a great deal to apply the rejects manually. But the new version of the patch explicitly states that it works with 2.0.33.
I don't use fat32 anyways, so it really dosn't matter--no complaints.
But it would be nice to tell people that SuSe supports fat32, and even Microsoft dosn't yet in NT.
Sure this would be nice. Would save me lots of questions ;-)
I seem to remember it worked OK under Caldera, it didn't seem buggy.
"Didn't seem buggy" is not enough ;-)
This kind of change is very critical, because existing filesystem code is modified. If we end up with corrupted filesystems we have a BIG problem. If the kernel is buggy, that's bad for us. If only a S.u.S.E. modified kernel is buggy whereas the official kernel works, it's much worse for us. Therefore we're waiting for the inclusion of this patch into the official kernel. 2.1.x has it already and the web page states it will be included in 2.0.34 (if it's ever released).
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