Hello, I can confirm both this problem (on my Fujitsu Siemens AMILO Pro laptop) and that installing and properly configuring ksynaptics fixed it. Here's how I set up ksynaptics: In the General tab, I reduced sensitivy towards Low (to the second marker from the left), enabled Smart Mode (disable touchpad when typing) and slightly increased its Re-enable delay. Under the Tapping tab I disabled tapping and I also unchecked everything under Scrolling. No problems since then :) M. I think it would save a lot of people some headaches if this package became a part of the standard SUSE distribution. On 8/6/05, Stephen Carter <stephen@retnet.co.uk> wrote:
Download ksynaptics from http://packman.links2linux.org/?action=503
If you're using KDE, this applet is available from the Peripherals section in YaST (I believe). If you're using Gnome you'll need to open a terminal window and run
kcmshell /opt/kde3/bin/ksynaptics
This has many more options than sax for configuring touchpads and may help you with your needs.
Simon Roberts <thorpflyer@yahoo.com> 08/06/05 2:58 am >>> Hi all,
I have a 9.3 installation on a Toshiba Sattelite laptop, and the touchpad is really twichy. The touchpad is configured so that it recognizes "tap" gestures, and also some kind of "tap and drag" or maybe a simulated scroll-wheel. These are a real pain in the whatnot, as they cause unwanted clicks while I'm just moving the pointer across the screen, and sometimes cause some real high-jinks when it goes into the undetermined draggy/scrolly mode.
I went into SaX2 and turned off all that I could turn off (which only appeared to be third button emulation and scroll-wheel), and rebooted but nothing changed.
How can I turn off these gestures and just have plain movement on the touch pad (there are physical buttons below the pad, so I don't need these gestures anyway).
TIA, Cheers, Simon
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