Personally, what I would like SuSE to do is produce a .RPM update of compiler updates then have a tree for programs related to those specific upgrades. As a example, Gnome 1.0 requires 1.20 of glib and gtk+ 1.20. KDE is another fine example, or upgrading to the 2.2 kernel. (ala, even after reading the upgrade notes for the 2.2 kernel some files / links have been moved or linked into another package. Issue's like this will either break or make a distrib.
Actually, I would second this motion...but would prefer packages be in the old tar.gz or .tgz extensions....some of us have no choice but to download through Windows (winmodems and such) and then have to load the stuff from the windows partition does rude things to .rpm files...IT TRIES TO PLAY THEM...:-) my.02 -- islandwolf "live from the den of ubiquity" - To get out of this list, please send email to with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e Check out the SuSE-FAQ at <A HREF=""><A HREF="</A"></A</A>> and the archive at <A HREF=""><A HREF="</A"></A</A>>