Folks, Disclaimer: What you are about to read *is not* a rant. Just the set-up to the question... I took delivery via mail Friday of a shiny boxed set for 9.3 Professional on my Toshiba Satellite 1905-303S laptop. When I tried to install it yesterday, the installation DVD wouldn't read packages unless I deactivated acpi at the outset of the install. Then, a significant fraction of the packages failed to install or couldn't be read in the first place. And when I finally hit the "ignore" button enough times and reached the stage where the installer was setting up the initrd file, the installation just hung up there and went no farther. I tried the installation several times, each one calling for successively fewer files, thinking it might work if I start small, then add programs manually later. But it still hung at initrd. Finally, out of frustration (and perhaps realizing that I qualified), I trucked off to Barnes and Noble about 9:30 last night to buy "SuSE 9.3 for Dummies." The installation using the book's DVD went flawlessly the first time, with acpi activated. Now, knowing that I didn't use the installation DVD from 9.3 Pro, can I still get access to the software on the other four DVDs? Or should I try to get another 9.3 Pro DVD 1 from SuSE, and, gulp, reinstall from that? At this stage, I'd rather chalk it up to experience and move on. But I also like compiling from source whenever I can, and Yast shows a much smaller "development" package tree on the book's DVD (it was tagged as a "special edition" -- which I took to mean stripped down) than I remember seeing on my 9.1 Pro installation. On the few programs I've tried to commpile, some configuration processes say they can't find X headers and libraries; in other cases -- plugins for Gkrellm, for example -- running "make" yields nothing but screens full of error lines. (OTOH, I have discovered the joys of apt!) Is there a way to get Yast to recognize the files on the remaining DVDs? Thanks for any suggestions on this... With best regards, Pete