jdd <jdd@dodin.org> writes:
Hello :-)
is there a mean to have contacts to the official Novell translation team?
You mean, those team translating the software? Subscribe to yast-int@suse.de, please (yast-int is "closed", but we can add interested volunteers). It is a low volume list, mostly meant for communicating project status.
my purpose is to make the french translation of openSUSE compliant with the vocabulary used in the manuals
I have a page here:
with some officials (government) french translation terms, I would like to have a similar thing from Novell. I beleive there are several translators and I could use some of they references or tools
http://www.novellglossaries.com might be of interest to you. It is password protected, but we are allowed to make it available to our translators. Honestly, I do not know what "our translators" means in these times of openSUSE ;-) I'll ask them if you are interested in such a resource. -- Karl Eichwalder R&D / Documentation SUSE Linux Products GmbH Key fingerprint = B2A3 AF2F CFC8 40B1 67EA 475A 5903 A21B 06EB 882E