MS Proxy 2.0 has two possibilities a. websock proxy b. winsock proxy For winsock proxy you need a winsock client butt for websock proxy you don't need one. You have to know the MS proxy configuration. It can be configured on ip adres or by name. You must also know if proxy is recuired for the proxy server itself(proxy for localhost). In suse you have to change the ftp_proxy, the http_proxy value and if necessary the no_proxy value of the system configuration file. This can be done through yast In netscape you have to change the same proxy values. The only clients that need winsock proxy are pop3 clients al the rest of the clients can be a websock proxy client. You don't need a special client for websock proxy only for winsock proxy Jaap Pelgrom -----Original Message----- From: Linux [] Sent: donderdag 1 juni 2000 13:59 To: Subject: [SLE] internet from linux via MS proxy 2 Hello suse-linux-e, i have a problem to go to internet from my suse linux 6.4 comp. we have a intranet in company MS backoffice , i have problem to go thruu MS proxy 2.0 to the internet windows comp needs a win ms proxy client , what about linux ???? how to run http, ftp, news, icq, on liinux machine via ms proxy 2.O, which is run on our company web server ?????? thanks for respond -- Best regards, Petr , -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at