I have a problem in booting to SuSE 9.1 Pro. I had a dual boot system with WIN ME and Suse. My ME got corrupted, so I reset the MBR with YaST (LILO) and then shutdown and disconnected my HDA with SuSE.I used a boot disk from ME and did an fdisk /mbr. I then formated and installed a WIN XP system. I then reconnected my SuSE hard drive but every time I try to boot from the DVD, I get the SuSE splash screen and select boot from hard drive and it goes to WIN XP. If I discond my WIN drive and convert the SuSE drive to a master it still will not boot. I thought I could reconnect the hard drive and then use the DVD to boot and go to YaSt and resetup the Dual boot. This worked once on 9.0 but I was using Grub instead of LILO. Any help that would prevent me from reinstall Linux would be great. I do have a backup of my Home Directory and several other changed items. Thank you in advance. Sorry about the email from Windows but its my only choice right now.