Sorry about the previous empty mail.. I was trying to figure out using different smtp-servers with K-mail.. got it now.. very nice. About the quality: I agree with Marcus - except package management - and maybe NetworkManager a little bit - 10.1 is really nice. I view it like this 10.1 was sacrificed on the alter of SLED - this was a "one off".. hopefully a "once in a lifetime" - but certainly only a "once every two years" tops. Unless of course a SLED Home is in the making which I understand is being considered - maybe in that case we (openSUSE) will continue to be crash-test-dummies - I certainly don't hope so. About Ubuntu: First thing: I think one thing openSUSE can learn from Ubuntu is that catering for home-users can be very helpful for the enterprise strategy. Ubuntu has been building it self up as a home distro for a couple of years - and seem to succesfully using this as a jump-off for there entry into enterprise. Why is Ubuntu so damn popular? .. since basically it's a pretty mediocre distro? I think this is why (some of it was mentioned before): CDs are thrown at you everywhere you go. 1 cd install. Package management doesn't need much hands-on-attention. More available packages. Automatix/EastUbuntu. And mainly - the huge Debian-community have been very happy to endorse Ubuntu - however I think that might change as they're realising Ubuntu are some disrespectful, forking sons of b...... About communication: I agree with Benji to some extent that communication is bad in some areas through the mailinglist. However if you use bugzilla to communicate your requests and ideas I find it's very responsive. I've heard bugreports at Ubuntu being ignored for weeks. But of course not everything can be discussed through bugzilla. Default desktop: I don't know if we wanna go there - if a default desktop was to be chosen the suits would decide - not the openSUSE-project - and we all know which one they prefer - though I believe the vast majority of openSUSE "activists" have a different preference. In the end I want to say I hope and expect that openSUSE/home-users are important to Novell as well - and that 10.2 will be released with out implementing very risky, immature stuff and that some marketing muscle will also be thrown in. Let 10.2 kick vista ass. Martin / cb400f --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: