On 9/2/22 14:11, David C. Rankin wrote:
Daily driver has always been SUSE/openSUSE since Mandrake -- just for the stability. I can't have a breakage "at the wrong time" and have to spend a day dorking with it. That's what will be lost when Leap goes away.
Rolling releases won't work for us either. But if Leap's successor won't support our use cases, what are the alternatives? Our use case includes basic HPC with petabyte-scale RAID arrays. In-house Python and C code is used for data reduction and visualization. In the near future we may start developing GPU code with NVIDIA hardware. We also need all of the standard Linux command-line programs. Work is also done with the USB ports and RS232 interfaces. Our hosts are also required to be security scanned with Nessus. I know that this was an issue with Tumbleweed, Nessus didn't know what to do with it. If Micro openSUSE ALP can't provide this functionality, what are the alternatives? Ubuntu was too difficult for us to live with. Regards, Lew