On Tue, 2005-06-21 at 11:12 +1000, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
Jim Sabatke wrote: I feel the same, and just follow each lists' rules (if it has any), but
there are times I really do like top posting. That is when there is a very large included part of the previous message that should have been snipped and a short top post. It's a lot easier than scrolling through all the extra stuff. Of course that begs the question, isn't that a snipping problem.
Who cares about top or bottom?
You should use was is the accepted practice for this list when replying to a question from this list. On this list it has been the accepted practice to trim your replies and place your response after the part you are referring to. Look at the FAQ for this list. Also, please DO NOT change the subject unless you are the OP. -- Ken Schneider UNIX since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE since 1998 "The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners." -Ernst Jan Plugge